Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd gives His life for His sheep. - John 10:11

** Sunday Worship **
Click this link for live-stream on Facebook.
You don't need a FB account. You can also watch previous worship services, like Easter Sunday.
For updates regarding worship services you can continue to visit our Facebook page; you can also visit our website: www.goodshepherdkreidersville.org or you can call the Church Office. Please contact Pastor Gary or Church Council through email (goodshepherdlutheran@rcn.com or phone (610-262-9517) if necessary.
Thank you for your understanding!
<<Please stay healthy, check on your elderly neighbors and family to make sure they have enough food, medicine and supplies.>>
Do God's work, our hands. Pray for a quick recovery for all affected. God Bless all of you and please check our web site and FB page for updates.
Not sure if we are having service because of bad weather? Make sure you check Channel 69, WFMZ or 100.7 WLEV or their websites WFMZ.com or WLEV.com to find out.