Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd gives His life for His sheep. - John 10:11
Pictured in photo to the left is Carole Holub (blue) and Renae Yelles (pink). Photo to the right is Lisa Mann (yellow) and Denise Thompson (stripes).
Fundraising Committee
We are always looking for people to join and help out if you are interested please see one of the people pictured to the left they will be happy to answer questions that you might have about the committee.
The FUN(d)raising Committee extends a heart-felt thank you to everyone who helped to make our penny party event a huge success. To all the parishioners who donated the prizes, theme baskets, desserts, and beverages, to all the penny party volunteers who donated their time and talent in all capacities of set-up, working, and clean-up, and lastly to all those who attended and/or helped to spread the word of the event, we thank you.
The Penny Party made a profit of over $4400. The event was a complete sell-out. We literally used every table in our church as it drew over 130 people who played the penny party game and another 30 people who volunteered to help. The profit made will help to reconcile church bills and 10% will be directed to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Thrivent seed money in part, along with members of the immediate community, and overwhelmingly our congregational members gave their time, talent, and commitment to make this a huge success.
People attending this event were smiling, laughing, and conversing the entire night. They left the event on a high of the goodness of humanity and will be great ambassadors of this church event when repeated next year.